My Journey to Passing the California Bar Exam on the 6th Attempt In this video, LaTanya shares the exhilarating news of passing the California Bar Exam in July, highlighting the challenge represented by the California repeat bar taker pass rate of under 25%. She recounts the moment of joy with her family upon learning she passed after six attempts since graduating in 2008. Despite being unable to dedicate two months solely to study due to balancing responsibilities with kids and work, she credits her success to her strong belief in her abilities, the Celebration Bar Review course, mind mapping, daily affirmations, and visualizations. She emphasizes the importance of not giving up, the need for a supportive community, and finding the best study methods for the individual. 00:00 Celebrating a Major Milestone: Passing the California Bar Exam 00:31 The Journey to Success: Overcoming Challenges 01:05 Innovative Study Techniques and Mindset Shifts 01:32 Empowering Advice for Aspiring Lawyers

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