How I Passed the Bar Exam at 57: A Success Story with CBR Judy successfully passed the Uniform Bar Exam with a score of 293, improving her score by 32 points, after initially failing. Starting law school at the age of 57 and graduating in 2020, she faced the challenge of taking the Bar Exam during the pandemic. Upon discovering a CBR method video, she decided to give it another try, adhering strictly to the CBR syllabus which included listening to lectures, practicing questions, and undergoing all the modules and review sessions. Judy specifically highlighted the usefulness of PhotoReading in saving time and how the methodological approach prevented burnout, attributing her success to following the CBR course and putting in the required work. #trycbr #ube #barexam #barprep 00:00 Unlocking Bar Exam Success with CBR 00:22 A Personal Journey: From Law School to Bar Exam Victory 00:48 Discovering the Power of PhotoReading 01:09 The Key to Avoiding Burnout and Boosting Scores

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